REVIEW: HEXBUG Aquabot Seahorse

HEXBUG Aquabot Seahorse

HEXBUG® AquaBot™ Seahorse

Kids always want a pet…and parents often think about the mess pets make and the continuous care they require. Why not put together an Aquabot Aquarium? I thought these were cute when I opened the package, but after playing with it and seeing it in action, I am convinced these are such a great option for parents and kids looking for an aquarium (without the messy clean up or worry if you have to go away!)
They move around in the water, simply by placing them in the water. With an auto shut off, you do not need to worry about your children leaving them on all the time.
You simply tap the glass, or move the water near them to get them moving again.
We received a purple on for  testing purposes and it really is as cute as they look in the pics. The rubber tail and fins move to manouver the seahorse around.

If purchasing one for a single fish bowl, or a few for an aquarium, I think most children would be amused by these for a long time. Aren’t aquariums supposed to be therapeutic and calming? Here is an option without worrying about the mess.


Here are the details from the company explaining the technology behind these cute little guys:

Introducing HEXBUG® Aquabot Seahorse! Packed with smart fish® technology and powered by electro-magnetic propulsion, this water-born Seahorse uses its curly rubber tail and elegant back fin to gracefully swim and bounce around inside any fish tank.
Want to turn on your Seahorse? Simply drop it in water to activate its automatic on and off sensor.
Finished playing? After several minutes of swimming, the HEXBUG® Aquabot will enter into sleep mode to save battery life.
Ready to wake it up? Our patent pending technology makes it easier than ever with three ways: simply run your fingers through the water, touch the Seahorse, or tap the side of your tank and your Aquabot will wake up, ready to play!
For the first time ever, users can even control how deep the Seahorse dives by using its buoyancy control (adjustable weights in battery door) to customize the HEXBUG® swimming patterns.
As always, our HEXBUG® engineers carefully selected every design element to get children excited about the science behind the robot. Now kids can truly experience the fun of having a pet fish collection, without the messy cleanup!

Available in five translucent colours; two button cell batteries are included, plus two bonus batteries.

Available at Mastermind Toys and Toys R Us.

HEXBUG/Innovation First:

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