Guide to Choosing Canadian Products

Given the introduction of 25% tariffs, we’ll likely see prices on imported goods climbing. This is precisely why choosing Canadian products is such a savvy choice. My guide to choosing Canadian products is a great place to start. Now is the perfect opportunity for us to reflect on our spending habits. It’s so important to … Read more

Support Local: Why is it important to shop local?

Every year that passes seems to bring even more reason to support local. In a time when we can order products from around the world and have them delivered to our door, we need to step back and try to direct some of our money to our local communities, provinces and Canadian producers.

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Businesses In Moncton Open & Offering Social Distancing Options

Many businesses in Moncton are going above & beyond during social distancing. This resource will be updated as long as we can keep up with the changes, please click on the links provided to check if today’s offer is the same ay yesterday. The nature of this virus is that details and guidelines change daily, sometimes hourly. (LAST UPDATED Monday, April 13 at 11:30 pm)

As many of us hunker down to stay away for the general public for two weeks to try to flatten the curve and spread of the coronavirus, many businesses are finding creative and helpful ways to continue their businesses. 

Local businesses are the hardest hit at this time. With everyone running to big box stores for their toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and even food, the locally owned businesses are trying to figure out how to provide service to their customers, continue to provide their products and services in a safe way and ultimately, how to pay the bills if they lose these weeks of business. 

Today, amidst the closures and reduced hours, I wanted to share some inspiring and uplifting stories and encourage you to support local if you can.

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Meet The People – The creators & builders of local brands!

Over the past few years, we have highlighted local businesses through our Facebook Live series “meet the people”, shop local partnerships and gift guides. This page is where you will find links to all the videos and we will be adding more in 2020. If you are a New Brunswick business owner and would like … Read more

Shop Local Holiday Gift Guide #shoplocalNB

It’s that time of year again when we have our lists and are checking them twice. We have a wonderful list of gift-giving ideas from local businesses and we hope to help you cross many items off your lists with these ideas. 
We curate this guide to promote shopping local and supporting our communities, province and our region of Canada. This gift guide is sponsored by the businesses taking part, they apply using our call for submissions, we evaluate the application and promote the ones we have either personally shopped with or we believe in supporting them as they get started, like below with Treatlab. If a new to me business applies, I will try to shop from them or review their products before publishing the guide as well. 

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Support Local Gift Guide – Accepting Applications from Atlantic Canadian Businesses

It’s that time of year again, we are putting together our Shop Local Gift Guide for the upcoming holiday season.

We are looking for businesses that were created here in Atlantic Canada, locally owned and unique. By shifting even 5% of our spending locally we can create a dramatic shift in the economic landscape here in Atlantic Canada. Through our 2019 Gift Guide, we hope to provide our readers with many local options to fulfill their gift-giving needs this season!

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Adventures with Star Wars and Minecraft – Clayton’s Week at Snapology Camp

There are so many options out there for summer camps and activities. Most require planning months in advance and committing to a week or two of full days. There are sports-based and outdoor-based camps, and there are activity or interest-based camps. 

Then There Is Snapology

When I met with Deji, owner of Snapology Moncton, to learn about the STEM camps he was offering this summer, I was excited and very impressed. Not only are the programs play-based, but they teach Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics skills through fun theme based activities. 

This post is sponsored by Snapology Moncton. All opinions and experiences are our own. We partner with businesses that complement our brand and endorse experiences we have personally tried.

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Paper & Peony Flower Workshop

Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing one of Chantal Larocque’s paper flower bouquets or flower walls in person? The first time I saw her amazingly detailed work in real life was a photo backdrop at Blogjam 2018. It was a lovely display of various sized of flowers put together in a large display for the selfie wall backdrop.

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Birthday Party Made Easier With A Plan! #Grecoville

This past weekend we celebrated Clayton’s birthday with his friends. He turned 6 back on December 30th, but this year he asked for a party with some of his friends. So, when planning what to do, where to go and what to eat, I went with the ease of a hosted party, at a fun location and we ordered our food ahead of time from Greco Pizza.

This post is sponsored by Greco. We received pizza and compensation for this post, but all opinions and wording are our own.

Easy, Simple and Stress Free!!

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