Info about Coupon Inserts

COUPON INSERTS Every few weeks, you can find Coupon Inserts in your local newspaper. You can find Redplum every 4 weeks or so, Smart Source every 3 weeks or so and Brandsaver every 3-4 months or so.  If you plan to buy multiple copies of the paper, Check Moncton Coupon Lady for a list of the … Read more

Tip of the Day!

When shopping at the Pharmacy, always look for coupon booklets, samples, etc from the Pharmacist. WalMart occassionally has coupon booklets, samples and such available at the Pharmacy counter. Shopper’s Drug Mart also has coupon booklets many times. Ask your Pharmacist, you might be surprised what they have to give you!

Call in Requests

Here are a few manufacturer’s you can call and get coupons/samples from.Colgate-Palmolive:1-800-268-6757 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1-800-268-6757      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Johnson & Johnson: 1-866 -565- 2229 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1-866 -565- 2229      end_of_the_skype_highlighting You can call and request 2 coupons on a monthly basis. You can call and request the New Parent Pack once (you will receive a trial pack of products and some coupons) Chapman’s Ice … Read more