Youth Quest Central – Couponers Giving Back! January 2014

January is a tough month for many charities. This month we have chosen to collect for
Youth QUEST Central in Moncton.
Collection will take place from January 13 to Feb 2nd.
Please contact me, Ruth Ann, at
to arrange drop off or pick up.
(I live in the Evergreen/Kingswood area and can accept drop off most days)
We will have limited times for pick ups.
  • Youth Q.U.E.S.T Central is a multi-resource centre for youth aged 16-24 who are either homeless or at risk of being homeless. The facility, located at 199 St. George Street, includes laundry and shower facilities, computer communications, academic upgrading, job-readiness training, information sessions, counseling, directional planning, and artistic and recreational programming. It also houses six other MYR programs that youth may access. These programs include: Family Preservation/Diversion, Transitional Housing, Intensive Support Program, Alternative Measures, Quest Case Management, and MYR Works.
    Here is a list of things they are looking for right now:
    – cookie sheets – non-stick frying pans – a good deep lasagna/sheppards pie baking dish – breakfast food (cereal, milk, eggs, bread, etc.) – headphones – juice/ milk – snacks – fruits and vegetables – Kraft Dinner – steel toe boots -coats (for all seasons) -boots and shoes -gift cards (groceries stores, walmart, hardware stores, clothing stores, etc.) – pregnancy tests (dollarama) – art supplies (canvas, markers, magazines, etc.) – underwear – clothing (especially men’s clothing!)

They are also always in need of Personal care items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant)

Please contact me, Ruth Ann, at to arrange drop off or pick up. (I live in the Evergreen/Kingswood area and can accept drop off most days)
We will have limited times for pick ups.

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