8 Frugal Living Tips

8 frugal living tips title person's hands holding a whice piggy bank

Being frugal is all about making smart choices with your money. Frugal living is not being cheap, it is about being aware of living costs and choosing where you spend your money. It means being intentional with your financial decisions and finding ways to save money without sacrificing quality or enjoyment. Here are 8 practical … Read more

Frugal Friday – Shopping Tip

This is your Frugal Friday – Shopping Tip. Sales cycles are a real thing. Most items you purchase regularly will be on sale several times a year for the same price.   Everything you buy regularly is on a 4-6 week sales cycle. (groceries, toiletries, paper products, etc) If it is on sale this week, you … Read more

Saving Time and Money when preparing food!

Saving Time and Money when preparing food! Inside: We share tips on how to save time and money when preparing food. What to purchase In Bulk, Partially Preparing in Advance, and Freezer Prep. If you are busy, or you simply don’t enjoy cooking every night for an hour or more, try some of these time-saving … Read more