You Really Can Eat Healthy On A Small Budget
People ask me all the time if I actually save money on good healthy food. This post will hopefully prove that it is possible.
Looking back over shopping trips from the past year or so, I wanted to share some amazing deals that I was able to get using coupons, cash back or other savings strategies.
- Plan ahead! Meal planning, stocking up on sales and knowing how much your family eats will all help you save. Many of us over buy then end up wasting food. Plan, plan, plan.
- Meat: Shop early in the day and look for those packs of meat close to Best Before dates. Most stores will mark them down 50% to sell fast.
- Meat From Butcher: If you have a local butcher or market, there are often deals when you buy in bulk, or in freezer packs.
- Meat from the Farm: If you purchase meat directly from a farmer, you can often get a good deal on 1/4 cow, or 1/2 pig, etc…this will be a large purchase, but will last a long time. Supporting local and getting meat as fresh as possible are added bonuses!
- Fruit & Veggies: Again, clearance racks are great at supermarkets. Often a small bruise or one tomato in a container could be bad. Cut off the bruises on fruit and chop up and freeze for smoothies or pies. Veggies are perfect to chop and make soups, sauces or chilies.
- Yogurt: Keep watching for those mark downs or sales and coupons for Yogurt especially. Freeze yogurt in ice cube trays, then use in smoothies.
- Milk: You can also freeze milk, simply thaw and shake well before drinking. Watch for bonus points offers at Shoppers or Superstore. You can also find coupons for soy and almond milks often
Below are just a few examples of savings on regular grocery trips. Using Cash back apps, digital offers (PC points) and coupons can help you save even more on your regular grocery bill.
$1 for 6 loaves of bread and 3 Oasis 1.75l Juice
By purchasing the bread on the discount rack, and using a high value coupon for Bread and Juice combo, I was able to get all this for only $1.02.
Clearance and pink stickers galore!
All the items below were purchased for $61.40
- Whole Chicken
- Lean Ground Chicken
- Lemon Chicken
- Lemon Chicken
- 3 Pepper Beef Strips
- Kale
- Tomatoes
- 4 pk Peppers
- Broccoli
- 5 packs Mini Go Drinks ($2 each)
- 3 blocks Black Diamond Cheese
- 2 small Salads
- 1 Medium Salad
Get all the details HERE.
Looking Back to 2012, here’s a great shop!
This is an oldie, but we had great booklets for $ off meat in the Ziploc bags that year.
- Turnip $0.95 – $0.75 = $0.20
- Snow Peas $1.65 – $0.75 = $0.90
- Gr Beans $1.56 – $0.75 = $0.81
- Onions BOGO Free $2.89 – $1.50 = $0.70 each (X2)
- Cabbage $1.57 – $0.75 = $0.82
- Chicken $2.26 – $1.50 = $0.76
- Chicken $2.28 – $1.50 = $0.78
- Chicken $2.24 – $1.50 = $0.74
- ML Prime Chicken $7.71 – $2 = $5.71
- ML Prime Chicken $7.60 – $2 = $5.60
- GF Bread Mix $4.99 – $1 = $3.99
- Bathroom Cleaner $5.49 – FPC = FREE
This is from January 2017.
- 2 X Minigo 2/$5
- Plain Greek Yogurt $2.15
- Coconut Milk $2.99
- Almond Milk $2.99
- Fruit Tray, melon & berries $5.99 – 50% = $3 (I am the only one who eats melon, so rarely buy it, this is my treat)
- Taco Salad $7.50 -50% =$3.75
- Rolls 6pk $3.49 – 50%= $1.75
- 1lb Strawberries $4.99
- English Cucumber $1.49
- 4 pk Red Peppers $3.99
- Tomato Variety pack $6.99 – 50% = $3.50
- 4lb Gala Apples $4.99
- 4X Nectarines $3.03
- Lean Ground Beef $11.99 – 50% = $6
- Lean Ground Beef $12.21 – 50% = $6.10
- Pork Chops $4.91
- Pork Chops $4.91
- Chicken Breasts Value pack $13.52 – $0.75 Coupgon= $12.77 (8 pack,not pictured as I put them in the oven and slow cooker when I got home)
TOTAL: $78.31
I hope you find these tips helpful. Feel free to share any tips you have for saving on food.