Coupon trading is one of the best ways to get the coupons that you really want. Our readers have often questioned how I get so many of the same coupon…the simple answer is trading/swapping coupons! In this article, you will find more details on what coupon trading is, the general etiquette involved and how to trade. If you have any additional questions, feel free to comment below and I will help you get started.
Where to start?
Find People to trade with!
It’s always nice to start with people you know. So why not get your friends/family together to swap coupons? Or start a coupon box in the lunchroom at work!
I have been teaching Lunch & Learn seminars on The Art of Couponing, and most businesses have started with the coupon box at their work location. One person will need to be in charge of removing expired coupons from time to time.
We also post local Moncton area swaps on the Everything Unscripted Facebook page. If you are interested in posting a swap at your local coffee shop (anywhere in Atlantic Canada), simply let me know. I will post it for you on the page to help get more people out in your area. Here in Moncton, we often get 10-15 people out to the swaps!
At the swaps, we usually pass around the coupons we are not using, and take what we can use. We do not worry about the $ amount going in and out. Direct trading is usually dollar for dollar.
Join the Moncton Coupon Lady Chat Group on Facebook (Canadian group).
Coupon Trading Etiquette
These are a few rules you need to follow in the trading process:
- Respond to messages promptly
- Post the coupon accurately (with details)
- Include enough postage on the envelope
- Mail out your trade as soon as possible
How to Trade
Trades are quite often equal value, for example: you send $10 in coupons and receive $10 in coupons. Since most trading is done by mail, you may find people are looking to trade a Minimum $ value in each trade. This is due to the cost of mailing. This will vary from person to person, so be sure to discuss this before agreeing to a trade.
How to get started Tip #1: Collect coupons
When you are out at the stores and see tear pads, take a few of each. If you won’t use them, remember, someone else may! Take a few and keep them in your “trade” envelope. There are many coupons out there, from various sources. Check out Where to find Coupons in Canada. Collect as many as you can, without taking them all, and put aside the coupons you want to trade. (Always be considerate when taking tear pad coupons. Please never take them all, there are others who wish to use them as well.)
What’s Next Tip #2: Make a Trade List
List all of the coupons you have to offer as a trade. Make your list as detailed as possible with Brand, Value, any Restrictions, Expiry Date and even barcodes. This ensures others are asking for coupons they will be happy with when they receive them. DETAILS, details, details!
And finally Tip #3: Make a Wish List
List all of the coupons you would like to have. It can be a type of product, specific brand, or detailed very specific coupon you have seen somewhere (include barcodes if you are in a location where you can stack coupons). Make your list as long as you like, the more details, the better the chances of getting what you are looking for.
I have coupons there is no mailing address listed