Packing For A Day At The Beach

There are a few things we always have in our beach bag that you may not think to take. Today I am sharing what we are packing for a day at the beach. 

For the most part, you can have this bag packed and ready to go all summer. Switching out clean and dry towels or items that need replacing. What do you always pack for a day or afternoon at the lake or ocean?

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Food Safety During A Power Outage

Inside: Tips and guidelines for how to preserve food during a power outage. How long is food good? What do you keep and what to throw out? and more.

Whether it’s a hurricane, snowstorm, planned outage or a freak accident, we all will experience a power outage from time to time. We are sharing some tips and guidelines today for Food Safety During A Power Outage.

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27 Uses for AVON Bubble Bath

27 Uses for AVON Bubble Bath


Avon Bubble Bath is always on hand in our house and ready for cleaning, freshening or having a bath!

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If you plan to use Avon Bubble Bath for cleaning, be sure to pick a scent that is clear and not opaque. The ones that you cannot see through have moisturizers in them, that may cause streaks when cleaning.

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Tips for Yardsales (Buying and Selling)

Tips for Yardsales (Buying and Selling) Last year, for one of my columns on CBC Information Morning 106.1 in Moncton, we talked about Yard Sales. Jonna mentioned a faux pas she made a while back when she went yardsaling with her family members. She started her experience with a $50 bill. Finding a teacup for $0.50, … Read more

Organize: Create A Snack Station

Organize: Create A Snack Station When I go to my pantry and find half empty boxes, where I thought there were full boxes, it makes me so frustrated. When you have children who are independent, they will often leave a mess of empty or unsealed bags in their wake. By creating a location in a pantry … Read more

DIY Laundry Detergent Liquid

While experimenting with Laundry soap, cost, ingredients, etc. I came to realize that although the Powdered version is very fast to mix up, and more compact to store, THIS recipe is much more Frugal. This recipe is very Easy and the most Frugal so far! The previous post for Powdered Laundry Detergent was much faster, … Read more