Don’t make me laugh or sneeze or jump up to fast – Adventures in Incontinence

Okay, this one is for the ladies, and I am going to be open and talk about a topic very few of us speak about. Incontinence, yup…peeing our pants, worrying about the smell, afraid of leaking and all the joy that comes along with being the 1 in 2 women experiencing incontinence.

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Getting out of my own way to get to Work Of Heart 2019! – #Anxiety

A few weeks ago I met Angela for coffee with my friend Michelle. We chatted about life and business, and what we all have going on. Although I have “known” Angela from events we have attended, or through social media, I had never had the opportunity to sit down and chat in person. Through our conversation that morning, I shared with her how much I enjoyed attending Work Of Heart, an event she founded and created a few years back. Over the course of the conversation, I expressed how for “someone like me”, the event can be overly exhausting, mentally, emotionally and physically, and I had not prepared for that. This exhaustion is not a bad thing at all, it was simply unexpected and I wanted Angela to know it prevented me from figuring out how I would attend last year. 

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Cuso International ~ Helping Mothers & Babies Around The Globe

This post is sponsored as part of a partnership with Cuso International. As always, all opinions are my own.

This time 5 years ago, I was awaiting the arrival of Clayton. His due date was Dec 25th, 2012. My pregnancy had been amazing, as was my pregnancy with my oldest boy, 9 1/2 years earlier. Honestly, the only fear I had going into the week he was due, was hoping for good weather. Guess what!?!  He arrived late, on December 30th, in the middle of a snow storm! Our neighbour helped dig us out, flagged down a plow and the city plow helped us get to the main road. We arrived at the hospital with only minutes to spare, he was born 20 minutes after arriving.

Here in Canada, we’re fortunate to have access to amazing facilities, doctors, midwives and other health professionals.  Mother’s in other parts of the World are not so lucky.

In countries like Ethiopia, that isn’t always the case. In Pawe, a small community in rural Ethiopia, mothers like Abeba have their babies in health centres that aren’t equipped for unexpected circumstances. Simple challenges that seem like a small hiccup in the labour process here, can lead to tragedy. The health professionals don’t always have specialized training, and infection and life threatening complications are common.

~ Cuso International

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The Imperfect Parent – Snack Time, Are You THAT Mom?

The Imperfect Parent – Snack Time, Are You THAT Mom?

Do you fret about what to pack for snacks, how to pack them, and wonder what others are doing?

You know how it goes, you go to the park, mall or a playgroup, everyone is watching you as you haul out the snacks for your child. Or at least you THINK they are all watching you. Honestly, every parent is probably feeling judged for the umpteenth time during their day already, they are likely all sheepishly hauling out their snacks as well.

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The Imperfect Parent – We Are All Strangers Until We Meet

The Imperfect Parent – We Are All Strangers Until We Meet

Whatever happened to having a best friend, or group of friends?

I understand that we all go our own ways, and start families or careers at various times, we lose touch and life gets busy. But when did it all begin to mean so little to us? I am 41, with two children, a wonderful husband, and very few close friends. Even the people I consider close, I rarely see in person. Then when I am out I continue the “lonely” trend by being an introvert.

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The Imperfect Parent – My Kid Lives On Crackers and Milk!

The Imperfect Parent – My Kid Lives On Crackers and Milk!

Frustrating is the nice way of putting it when I describe meals with my 3 1/2 year old.

Do you have a “picky” eater?

You start to wonder if you are failing at this whole parenting thing. You feel like everyone is judging you.

I can’t tell you how many blog posts and expert articles I have read about feeding a picky eater. They pretty much all tell you what your kid should be eating, and tricks for how to get them to eat veggies and fruit.

I get it, I understand why it works with some kids…but just because it worked for you, it doesn’t mean my kid will react the same.

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