7 Tips To Survive Your Period (and get to the gym!)


Okay boys, this one is for the ladies and I am warning you now, it is about periods.

We are Women, we are Strong, and we have Periods.

Getting through that dreaded week each month can sometimes be hard. I know, because in the past I have been downright ill and in bed, especially when I was younger.

There are many factors that play a role in how you manage your period, and how you feel during that 4 to 7 days each month. Going to the gym and eating well, has helped me deal with my cramps and bloating. I actually felt somewhat normal this past cycle, and part of the reason was my recent lifestyle choices.

Here are a few tips to help get through those crampy, moody and bloated days:

  • Drink LOTS of water. Staying hydrated helps you everyday, but even more when you are not feeling at 100%. Warm teas such as lemon with honey, ginger tea and cumin and fennel tea are all soothing while hydrating.
  • DO NOT drink caffeine or resort to eating junk (salty or sweet foods).
  • Try to eat more fresh food, like fruit and veggies. Bananas are higher in potassium, which will also help.
  • Get moving. I know, who wants to even get out of bed, but I assure you, it will make you feel so much better. Grab your playlist and headphones, and go for a walk. BONUS: Exercise is known to make your period shorter.
  • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle to apply to your belly where your cramps are.
  • Get more rest. Rest does wonders for your body and mind. Make sure you give yourself a little extra during your period.
  • BE POSITIVE: Attitude has so much to do with how we feel both physically and emotionally. Periods are a good thing, they are part of being a woman, we all experience them, and you are not alone!

One of the tips above was to get moving. That is a tough one when you feel under the weather.

This summer I started to attend the gym regularly, after many years of not doing much exercise. It was not until the day my period started that I thought, “I can’t do this”. I almost stayed home, cramps lurking, a headache brewing, not to mention the fear of leakage during an intense workout in spandex. Even without the cramps and headache, it crossed my mind that I will be bending over, lifting heavy weights, and jumping up and down….oh my! We all know what happens when we are doing this while having our periods.  After a friend telling me she feels better and seems to have lighter flow when exercising each month, I gave myself a pep talk and went to the gym. It felt great, like most workouts and I was glad I went.

Since having my children I have used sanitary napkins and panty liners almost exclusively. I just don’t seem to get the proper protection for leaks with tampons any more. Recently I tried Asana products, and they truly are different than any other pads I have used.

From the moment I opened the package, I knew they were different. They are so thin, I had never seen a “regular” pad so thin. Talk about great for stashing in a purse, or even your jeans pocket. The products also absorb moisture so fast that you really do feel dry, no matter what. And get this, they actually dispel odor, reduce comfort and enhance metabolism. ENHANCE METABOLISM, REALLY? I am doing that on my health journey with food and exercise, so now I can even say my metabolism is increasing while I am having my period.

Read more about the science involved and the awesome benefits of these pads.

  • Asana’s Biowave Advantage™ is a complete breakthrough in feminine protection.
  • Two vital components of Asana’s advanced technology are tourmaline and silver, which act to reduce menstrual discomfortdispel odorincrease air circulationbalance the body’s pH and enhance metabolism.
  • Health Canada has classified the Biowave Advantage™ layer as an antibacterial Medical Device Class 1 (which is a super hard designation to attain).
  • Asana also helps combat yeast infections naturally and is 95% biodegradable. Asana products are one of the thinnest on the market, yet offer the most absorbencyfastest rate of absorbency and best assurance of leak protection
  • No Chloride in the products
  • Their packaging uses Soya ink and is biodegradeable.

Asana is currently in a number of stores across the country and this month they are being stocked at Sobeys, Lawtons and coming to Loblaws layer this month.

Visit their website for more information on Asana and what they have to offer.  

We all want to feel confident during our period, especially when we are at the gym in our tights! 

Young women working out together on rugs

 *This post was brought to you by Asana. All opinions remain my own.

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