6 Simple Steps To Saving More This Year!

6 Simple Steps To Saving More This Year!

The passing of December 31st each year means many, many coupons expiring. Now with a new year comes new deals, new coupons and new saving strategies.

Here are a few reminders to help you save more this year!

  1. Set a goal for your savings:
    This may be as simple as trying to stick to a fixed budget…or more detailed.  Try to save a little more each time you shop.
  2. Do Not compare yourself to others: 
    One of the most common reasons I hear that people give up on coupons is: they can’t get all the deals they read about. Remember,  start small. We all know what we are willing to pay for something. Next time you buy deodorant or bathroom tissue,  try to get it cheaper than you usually do. Try to beat your own prices each time you shop. Do Not compare yourself to others,be inspired by others, but be proud of what you are accomplishing too!
  3. Start tracking NOW:
    Get a journal, or spread sheet to help with this. Each time you shop write down how much you saved with coupons.
  4. Watch for coupons everywhere:
    Coupons really are everywhere.  In Magazines, newspapers, in product packages/ on boxes, by email newsletter,  manufacturer’s websites, Facebook,Twitter, in store displays/booklets, websites (both printable and mail to you) and more…click here for resources to help you collect coupons
  5. Start/continue to stock items you use regularly:
    I hate the term Stockpile, simply because everyone assumes it means hoarding.  A stockpile will help with your overall savings if done properly.  You need to be reasonable and learn the rock bottom prices of items you use everyday. You can save a large amount of money by picking up items when they are free or almost free. BUT always remember, there is a 4 to 6 week sales cycle for everything.  It will be on sale again!
  6. Use Cash Back Apps:
    Check the cash back apps every week for new offers and items to save on. Cash back apps allow you to purchase items in stores, then take a pic of your receipt to upload to the app. You can claim cash back on various items each week, and the amount is kept in your app account. Once you reach the cash out threshold ($20 for most), you can request your cash by cheque.
These are just a few things you can do to help you be focused and save more this year.
Happy Savings,
Ruth Ann
the Moncton Coupon Lady
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