It’s Rhubarb Season, Try Making These!
10 Rhubarb Recipes
I love Rhubarb season.
Growing up, my mother made rhubarb relish and rhubarb cobbler (I will add those recipes to my round up when I get them made this summer). That was my only exposure to it until I started cooking and baking. We always had a couple Rhubarb plants in the back garden growing up. Rhubarb is probably the easiest plant on Earth to grow. Well maybe not, but you simply plant it and harvest it, it comes back year after year. Using only the stalks to consume, a single rhubarb plant can provide many opportunities to bake and cook during the season. ONLY eat stalks, never the leaves as they are poisonous.
That being said, I do not have it planted in my yard yet. My in laws have a patch that I raid a couple times each year to do some baking. I will be putting a rhubarb patch in next summer when we plant out in ground garden. We currently have a large container garden, but plans are in the works of more gardening next year.
Back to this round up and my love of rhubarb! I love just boiling some up with sugar and a little water to make a yummy sauce. We eat it on ice cream or in vanilla yogurt.
Here are a few recipes from myself and other Canadian Bloggers I follow.
Rhubarb Muffins – Everything Unscripted
Rhubarb Sour Cream Muffins – Older Mommy, Still Yummy
Whole Wheat Rhubarb Muffins – Mom vs the Boys
Rhubarb Roll – Everything Unscripted
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie – Thinking Outside The Sandbox Family
No Churn Rhubarb Ice Cream – Older Mommy, Still Yummy
Rhubarb Yummies – Farm Fresh Style
Rhubarb Squares – Older Mommy, Still Yummy
How to make Stewed Rhubarb – Older Mommy, Still Yummy
Now that you have some baking options, get creative and make something with this versatile plant. Remember, only use the stalks and never the leaves.
Thanks for including my cake recipe 😀
Yum, I love Rhubarb season too! These are some amazing recipes!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for including my recipes ❤️